Two Bonuses Expire Soon:
Detox Bonus Recipe Guide + Top 5 Hormone Protocols










Just give me 14 days and I'll give you what you need to drop 10+ pounds of stubborn weight while dramatically increasing energy and focus—without going hungry or breaking the bank.

These are the same exact steps I used to get to the ROOT and wake up two weeks later with:

  • no brain fog
  • more energy
  • great sleep
  • 15 pounds dropped
  • happy digestion

And I want to share it ALL with you during the 14-Day Detox!

You could spend months—or even years—combing the internet for answers, without getting anywhere. Or, you can take 14 days and make a powerful, positive change. 

Limited spots available. Keep reading to see how to secure your spot.

A Special Invitation from Dr. Mariza

It's been a wild year.

Most women were stressed out before, and then BAM: stress hit a whole new level.

...Staying positive, inspiring others (and not just faking it while having a secret breakdown in their car), and using this time to treat themselves like queens and bump their Self-Care up to a 10.

These women seem IMMUNE to the chaos that everyone else is dealing with—especially other women their age.

But there’s a small group of women who are able to handle all the dips and nosedives the world’s thrown at us—and are actually THRIVING...

They’re NOT feeling like their bodies are their worst enemy.

They’re NOT slogging through the day, desperate for the next big sugar or caffeine boost.

They’re NOT overwhelmed by their neverending to-do list (while no one even appreciates all they do).

They aren’t even thinking about hot flashes that come with no warning and wondering, “Is this what 50 is supposed to feel like?”

And they’re not distracted from what matters because of unexplained weight gain, chronic exhaustion, runaway hormones, inflammation, emotional eating, or digestive troubles that make them either too constipated or the complete OPPOSITE of constipated.

Instead, they’re sleeping easy.

They are more productive with less stress—winding down each day feeling happy.

AND they look more radiant in their 40s and 50s than they did when they were in their 20s.

(Yes, even amid a global pandemic.)

In this group, you’ll find women like Rosa.

Rosa, age 56, was experiencing gas and bloating after every meal. She had only 4 bowel movements each week and was afraid it wasn’t enough.

She felt irritable, stressed, and tired and didn’t feel like exercising. “I feel wiped out all of the time.”

Within 10 days, Rosa was having one bowel movement per day. Her energy levels increased and her bloating was completely gone. She also started walking during her lunch break at the hospital.

She lost 6 pounds during the first 10 days and it gave her the confidence to keep going. She noticed that most of the weight came off around her midsection.

“I am incredibly relieved now that I am going to the bathroom every morning. 

I love that I am moving my body again, I thought I had given that up.

And I am pleased with the loss in belly fat to keep me healthy.”

And Candice…

Candice, 48, came to me concerned with recent trouble focusing and recalling full sentences during work presentations. As a Project Manager for a Fortune 500 company, she felt like she was losing her edge. 

She had always been the go-to person to manage multiple projects without skipping a beat… until recently.

“It’s like the words vanish into thin air. I need to get my brain back on track. My sleep isn’t great and with juggling my family and work obligations, something has to give—it’s usually sleep. I drink lots of coffee to get through the day.”

Within a few weeks, Candice found herself back in the game. Her mental focus and work improved significantly. She lost eight pounds and experienced more energy.

“I didn’t know that brain fog was caused by what I ate. Having a cleaner diet has helped me out tremendously. 

I am also sleeping better and setting myself up to get better quality sleep. I feel much more focused and clear.” 

And Sandra…Who FINALLY Saw Results After Eight Years. 

"For over eight years, I suffered from hormone issues but didn’t understand what was going on with me. 


I just didn’t feel right, but I guess I thought it was my normal. Just when I was about to give up, I discovered Dr. Mariza. 


I am still a bit shocked that it only took me a few weeks to change my eating habits and I started exercising again. I lost 2.5 inches of my belly, which is great for my mission to stay healthy.


And I finally chose to focus on my self-care needs, something I had never done before." 

So, What’s Their Secret?

HOW are these women defying what’s considered a “normal part of aging”...

While so many others are having to schlep around extra clothes for when surprise hot flashes hit?

To give you the answer, 
we have to take a trip back to the year 2010.


Almost 10 years ago, I was using my expertise as a biochemist to take care of women, solving their biggest health issues…

Sounds great, right? But most days I felt like a Tasmanian Devil with lip gloss.

I was suffering from chronic migraines, insomnia, being 35 lbs overweight, and chronic exhaustion.

After running labs, it was clear that my stress hormones and reproductive hormones were completely out of whack! 

My labs said it all: Hormone Hot Mess.

When the doctor who ran the labs provided a solution… it came in the form of 2 prescriptions: Birth control and Xanax.

I remember looking down at my prescriptions and feeling defeated and dismissed!

In my gut, I knew that this was not right for me.

It was time to dig into the research and figure out how to get to the root cause.  

Most importantly, I knew that my story wasn’t unique. Millions of women struggle with hormone issues and it goes on for years—maybe even their whole life—without clear solutions.

Since I was a research fanatic, I dove right in to find a NATURAL solution that would get to the ROOT of my symptoms...

What Food To Eat

Breaking The Sugar Habit

Slimming Down Naturally—NOT Because of Some Fad Diet

Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies

The BEST Supplements To Take

Stopping Stress

Healthy Sleep

Self-Care Rituals (Back then, I didn’t know what the heck “self-care” even meant!)




The 14-Day Detox has been a game-changer for me and thousands of women just like you.

Everything I discovered was wildly illuminating. But shockingly, NONE of this was ever discussed by my doctor. 

I didn’t have to stop everything and take two weeks off to get MAJOR results. All I did was make small, but powerful tweaks—and my body knew what to do.

And I didn’t need even ONE lab test to be able to start.

Within 2 weeks, I allowed my body to stop spiraling out and screaming for help.

I started to notice that I had incredible energy again, energy like I hadn’t seen since pre-med school. (I’d almost forgotten what it was like!) When I woke up in the morning, I felt rested. My brain fog was gone and I didn’t find myself walking into a room and asking, “Uh, what did I come in here for?” 

Best of all, my gut was in a happy place and I didn’t have those wicked sugar cravings where I’d slap anyone standing in between me and a Snickers Bar.

I could simply be me, Mariza. Doctor, daughter, author, and soon-to-be hero to thousands more women because...

I took EVERYTHING I learned and made it foolproof so that ANY woman could do what I did and get a total reset in a few short weeks.

That’s why pretty much every woman I’ve talked to...

From supermoms who juggle work, kids, a partner (and pets!)

To high-performing executives at Fortune 500 companies

And even other expert health and wellness practitioners 

Who’ve taken these same easy steps . . .

. . . Told me this was THE BEST THEY’VE FELT IN YEARS.

From Stressed Out To Energized.

I came to Dr. Mariza entirely stressed out, tired, and overweight. I was overwhelmed by the changes happening to my body! I lost 9 lbs and slept peacefully. I loved it so much I did the program for 14 more days and lost 6 more pounds for a total of 15 lbs. Dr. Mariza’s meal plan and supplement protocols changed my life and gave back my energy levels! Now, I am leading a group of my closest friends through the program.

Marilyn S.

Feeling GOOD Again For The First Time In 7 Years!

“I never thought I would overcome my fatigue from over 7 years of working as a night-shift nurse. I practically gave up any hope because nothing ever worked. I was a zombie during the day.

The first thing I experienced was energy and alertness in the morning, which hasn’t happened in over 5 years. I have lost 10 pounds so far and it wasn’t necessarily a goal for me because my fatigue was so much bigger to me. I feel lighter and happier than I have in 5+ years and it’s all due to the program and self-care habits I have adopted.”

Rebecca S.

Got My Energy And Focus Back.

“I started the program with a lot of resistance, but I knew I needed a big change. I had been struggling at my job because I couldn’t focus by 3 pm every day. I woke up tired and it took an extra Starbucks vanilla latte to get me through my afternoon. By the time I got home, I just wanted to sit on the couch and eat takeout. But I agreed to the program. I lost a total of 12.5 lbs and experienced food freedom for the first time in years.

By Day 14, I was able get through my workday without my Starbucks run. I even started to walk for 30 minutes after work. I am still making some of the meals from the program and my sister and I are planning to do it again before summer starts. I finally have a plan that works for me and I am grateful for that.”

Elizabeth L.

Coleen W.

Got The Reset I Needed

I have to share my love for this amazing program! I have been trying to lose weight for years, but I’ve had endless struggles. No matter what I do, the weight comes right back on in a matter of months. I needed a reset badly.

Finally, I decided to do Dr. Mariza’s Program. I had faith that I could do it for a few weeks. I ended up doing the program and supplement protocols for two months because I felt so good and the results kept inspiring me to go further.

I’ve lost 19 pounds on this program and feel amazing! Not only physically but mentally. I am beyond happy with my results. My hair is luscious and my cravings are gone. I lost over 2.5 inches around my waist and have sustained energy. I couldn’t have imagined a better outcome.”

Got Her Sex Drive And Happy Husband Back

“I rarely engaged in sex because it was so painful and irritating. The pain immediately turned me off and I wanted to just read a book, or watch a movie. No surprise that it was having an impact on my relationship. We’ve been together a very long time, so he’s understanding, but I could see he was frustrated and I felt so bad about that. I didn’t know what to do. I needed to know that this isn’t the end for me.

Soon after starting Dr. Mariza’s program, I noticed a boost in my libido and more energy. All of a sudden my hot flashes and night sweats stopped after I started taking the supplements. Now I am making a big effort to spend time and create intimate moments with my husband and I am really enjoying them. It doesn’t always lead to sex and I am okay with that. I love the connection and conversations.”

Elizabeth L.

These are just some of the wins that women shared publicly.

Introducing the 14 -Day Detox

A Live 14-Day Experience to guide you, motivate you, and allow you to say “no thank you” to fatigue, stubborn weight and gut issues.

—and YES to happy YOU.

Why is the 14-Day Detox different from any other detox on the planet?


Most detoxes are flat out designed to make you fail. They focus on quick wins like weight loss just to get you in the door. 

Once the detox is done, the weight snaps back—with a vengeance because you’ve just shocked your system and hijacked your metabolism with reduced calories. 

I. Will. Not Let. That. Happen. To. You.

The 14-Day Detox is a gentle detox. Make no mistake: it’s NOT a fast—you’re eating some of the most delicious recipes that will make you feel like a Gourmet Goddess… WITHOUT spending all day in the kitchen. 

This detox is focused on giving you THE RIGHT FOODS WITH RECIPES. There is ZERO guesswork about what to eat or eliminate. 

The wrong foods are simply NOT included in the recipes and food list. 

And if you just follow the plan, you’re going to automatically get what your body needs without having to think about it.

I did that part for you, so all you have to do is get the groceries and cook the easy meals. 

You’ll get everything you need to gently cleanse your body, starting with your LIVER.

Yes, your liver! 

Now, you might not immediately associate your liver with your hormones, sweaty hot flashes, miserable brain fog, night sweats, crushing fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, belly fat, lack of sex drive or focus, etc., etc., etc.

But think about it… Your liver is the body’s master filter, processing every single bite of junk food you’ve ever eaten... 

All the toxins accumulated from 4 or 5 DECADES of polluted air and water, nutrient-depleted food grown with pesticides, chemicals in cleaning products and make-up (some of which are now banned!)...

Our bodies were NEVER meant to handle all these endocrine disruptors (a.k.a., HORMONE Saboteurs). And if you don’t cleanse your liver, which has worked so hard for you for years, your body will eventually say NO MORE. 

This 14-Day Detox removes liver, gut, and hormone sabotaging foods from your diet and replaces them with nutrient-dense, calming foods so you can give your body a much-needed break!

Now I’ll tell you, it’s not magic. But wow did it take me a minute to figure it out. What took months to do—I’ve perfected so you can do it in just two weeks. 

And because we focus on real, unprocessed, and whole foods, your body will receive the full nutrient profile of what it needs so it will stop sending out craving signals for what it’s missing.


How many times have you said you’ll do something with every intention of doing it…. but then you don’t have a start date or any accountability, “life happens,” and you just don’t do it.  (And then shame yourself for “not being motivated.”) 

Well, it’s NOT a you-problem or a motivation problem, it’s a SUPPORT problem. 

This is why once you join, you’ll receive world-class support from me and the 14-Day Detox Community. 

We’re doing this together!

One of my favorite things about doing this with a group is the pictures of recipes and meals everyone is preparing during the program. 

Hundreds of people already have their Quickstart Detox Manuals, Detox Supplements, Approved Food List, 5-Minute Self-Care Journal and Exact Protocols. 

They are set and ready to start with us. And, honestly, I don’t want you to miss out!


Many women ask if they must take the recommended supplements to do the 14-Day Detox. 

For instance, you may have some version of some of these supplements at home. Or maybe you live internationally. 

The answer is yes, you can purchase the detox instructions alone.

However, when you use the exact supplements as instructed, you will make the most of your time and energy. 

I’m guessing you probably don’t want to operate at 60% when you could be doing life at 110%. You want to do this right so you can see—and feel—major improvements in your energy levels, cravings, and waistline... while decreasing brain fog, stubborn weight, fatigue, and gut troubles (or you wouldn’t be reading this).

You have 3 great options to choose from, and that’s why the Gold Plan is what I recommend. (It’s also the best value for what you get.)

How Much Is The 14-Day Detox Going To Cost?

You may have seen other detox plans for as little as $10. 

But I can guarantee that a plan like that will NOT give you the same support from a Bestselling Women’s Hormone Expert... The same protocols… Or the same caliber of positive, inspiring women to cheer you on and motivate you. 

(And it won’t be nearly as much fun!)

Or, you could pay $1,000s trying to figure it out and STILL not address the root issues....


And waste months or years feeling like a Tasmanian Devil in lip gloss, like I did.

Ask those who’ve done the 14-Day Detox, and they’ll tell you it was the best money they ever spent.

It’s worth it to get your energy back—besides, think of all the money you’ll save when you are no longer obsessed with 3 Starbucks sugar-bomb lattes a day!

Why waste another month focused on everyone else’s needs when your body is desperate for attention? 

I hear some women say, “I don’t have time to take on anything else.”

But there’s a hole in that logic.

Because if you had more energy and were more productive, you would get more done in a day. 

And you’d actually enjoy your life, rather than collapsing on the couch as soon as 2 pm hits or when you get home from work, too tired to do anything but snack and watch TV. 

You’d have energy to do make your friends and family’s birthdays special, give back to your community, make art, make love, garden, do yoga, meal plan, exercise, play instruments, sing, dance, read, write letters to long lost friends, call your sister back, plan date nights, go hiking, redecorate, clean out your closet, plan a remodel, pamper yourself with a haircut or new outfit, play with your kids or grandkids, go on adventures, and all those things you’ve been “meaning to do someday…”

What will happen if you don’t pay attention to your body right now? (You already know the answer. Things will continue to spiral and decline. Nothing in this world magically improves on its own. You must take action.)

It’s so easy to let life slip by… OR you can take 2 short weeks, eat delicious & nourishing meals, tune into what your body wants and needs, lavish yourself with self care and essential oils, and change the course of the rest of your life. 

2 weeks is barely any time, but also enough to feel good. 

You’ve worked so hard and given so much. It’s time for you now.  

Choose Your Detox Package...



Digital Detox Access*

  • Quick Start Detox Manual
  • Detox Approved Foods List
  • Daily Guided 5-Min Self Care Journal
  • Self Care Tips & Recipes
  • Daily Support Videos*
  • Private Facebook Group Community*

$197 $87



Everything in the BRONZE package PLUS...

Printed-For-You Guides

  • Quick-Start Detox Manual
  • 5-Minute Self-Care Journal
  • Detox Approved Foods List

FREE Copy of Dr. Mariza's Book 

  • The Essential Oils Hormone Solution  

$257 $127




Everything in the SILVER package PLUS...

Hormone & Liver Detox Support 14-Day Supplement Pack

  • Pea Protein Functional Detox Meal Powders
  • Liver Detox Supplement
  • Digestive Support Supplement
  • BONUS: Shaker Bottle

3 payments of $107.33
(Best Savings)

$462 $297


Next Detox Group starts January 12th.

Join By January 4th to ensure your SILVER and GOLD Detox Kit will arrive in time for the 14-Day Detox Kickoff!

Important: 14-Day Detox SILVER and GOLD Quantities Are Limited.


The real damage to our hormones over the last 4 decades are the man-made chemicals in our food, products and the air. To get a deep detox, we’ve included top of the line supplements to support the liver’s release of these harmful chemicals. The perfect supplements -- designed to work with any supplement plan, and any diagnosis are available in the Gold Package of the 14-Day Hormone Detox. (Check out the ingredient list here.)

PLUS! Included in the Gold Package is a FREE copy of The Essential Oils Hormone Solution (ships free to US**).


*Membership site access and private online Facebook community valid for 60 days from date of purchase.

** The Gold Package supplements are only available to ship to the US, but you can still get the Silver Package (Digital + Printed Detox Manuals) shipped internationally.

Enter your text here...









Digital Resources


Quick Start Detox Manual

Detox Approved Foods List

Daily Guided 5-Min Self-Care Journal

Self Care Tips & Recipe Guide

Daily Support Videos *

Private Facebook Group Detox Community *

Ready-Printed Guides


Quick Start Detox Manual


Daily Guided 5-Min Self-Care Journal


Detox Approved Foods List


Bonus: FREE Copy of Dr. Mariza's Book


The Essential Oils Hormone Solution


14-Day Hormone & Liver Detox Supplement Pack


Pea Protein Functional Detox Meal Powders



Liver Detox Supplement



Digestive Support Supplement



BONUS: Shaker Bottle for Protein Smoothies




$197 $87


$257 $127


$462 $297

* $155 Savings *





Digital Detox Access

  • Quick Start Detox Manual
  • Detox Approved Foods List
  • Daily Guided 5-Min Self Care Journal
  • Self Care Tips & Recipes
  • Daily Support Videos*
  • Private Facebook Group Community*

$197 $87





Everything in the BRONZE package PLUS...

Printed-For-You Guides

  • Quick-Start Detox Manual
  • 5-Minute Self-Care Journal
  • Detox Approved Foods List

FREE Copy of Dr. Mariza's Book 

  • The Essential Oils Hormone Solution  

$257 $127





Everything in the SILVER package PLUS...

Hormone & Liver Detox Support 14-Day Supplement Pack

  • Pea Protein Functional Detox Meal Powders
  • Liver Detox Supplement
  • Digestive Support Supplement
  • BONUS: Shaker Bottle

* $155 Savings *

$462 $297



The real damage to our hormones over the last 4 decades are the man-made chemicals in our food, products and the air. To get a deep detox, we’ve included top of the line supplements to support the liver’s release of these harmful chemicals. The perfect supplements -- designed to work with any supplement plan, and any diagnosis are available in the Gold Package of the 14-Day Hormone Detox. (Check out the ingredient list here.)

PLUS! Included in the Gold Package is a FREE copy of The Essential Oils Hormone Solution (ships free to US*).


* The Gold Package supplements are only approved to ship to the US, but you can still get the Silver Package (Digital + Printed Detox Manuals) shipped internationally.

I hate to say it, but the truth is, before the detox, I was an emotional eater. I’d sit at my desk and work such long hours that I let myself have whatever I wanted to get through it (I never left the office before 7 pm). I craved carbs, sugar, and at least two to three diet sodas each day. More than anything, I wanted to be able to reach for different choices at work, and I really wished I wasn’t so run by my cravings. Weekdays after 3 pm were the worst for me. I nearly gave up multiple times. 

But the things I learned from Dr. Mariza about Peppermint Essential Oil helped me manage temptation. Now I always have some at my desk. Most of my cravings have gone away (thankfully,) especially the mid-afternoon chocolate and sweet-tooth cravings. I lost six pounds, which was an added plus. The detox gave me a new perspective on how to eat and conquer cravings without feeling deprived.

Cheryl, 54

Springfield, CO

What You Get When You Join the 14-Day Detox

Quick Start Detox Manual
Everything you need at your fingertips so you can easily start your detox without any guesswork. Recipes, measurements, what to expect and frequently asked questions are included.

Detox Approved Foods List & Kitchen Makeover Guide
To remove all the endocrine and neuroendocrine disruptors causing hormonal brain fog, weight gain, and fatigue, it’s imperative to replace them with healthy alternatives. You’ll learn how to do it with this step-by-step guide.

Self-Care Tips and Recipe Guide
This guide is full of mini self care rituals you can do with or without Essential Oils (I recommend with EOs) to destress your hormones. Slimming beverages, sleep rituals, energizing recipes, they’re all in here.

Daily Guided 5-Min Self-Care Journal
A daily journal to guide your day-to-day self-care so it’s SIMPLE. You don’t have to worry about getting fancy massages, taking extra time off work, or getting a babysitter for the kids to do self-care. (Unless of course, you want to do that!) These rituals are fast, easy and affordable and will make you feel healthier and happier while helping you get your brain and body back.

Hormone-Loving Detox Shopping Guide & Yes/No Foods List
Know exactly what you need from the grocery store, and what you absolutely can and cannot eat.  The detox is designed to be very flexible depending on your individual tastes and needs.  As the goal of the detox is eliminating certain foods, and eating lots of nutrient-dense ones, you can easily substitute certain items to your liking, as long as they're not on the "No" list.

14-Day Food Journal Calendar
The 14-day Food Journal Calendar has daily checklists to help you reshape your routine and stay on track with the habits that help you succeed such as “did I drink enough water? Did I move my body? Did I do my self-care ritual?” etc.

Membership Site + Daily Video Lessons
Throughout the detox, including the critical prep phase, I will send you a new video nearly every day, including Shopping Tips, a Kitchen Makeover, Self-care Rituals with Essential Oils, Food Prep/Meal Plan Basics, Mindset, Stress, Tips for Loving Your Liver, just to name a few!

Community Support: Private Facebook Group
Going through a detox isn’t always easy. But my coaches and I will be there every step of the way to support you, answer your questions, and keep you motivated!  Check the Facebook Group for Facebook Lives, answers to frequently asked questions, or a little bit of motivation!

Included with the SILVER and GOLD Packages:

Printed-For-You Detox Manuals
Get printed copies of your Quick-Start Detox manual, containing all of your recipes and detox instructions, so you can take it with you to the store and have it alongside you in the kitchen, along with the 5-Minute Self-Care Journal and Yes/No foods list for your refrigerator.  Plus, this package comes with a free copy of my newest book, The Essential Oils Hormone Solution.

Included with the GOLD Package Only:

14-Day Detox Supplement Kit

Detox & Restore: a  powerful science-based nutritional program to support optimal elimination of toxins in the gut and liver.

This kit is the easiest way to FAST-TRACK your results and have everything pre-portioned and ready to go. 

I know you’re busy and every minute is valuable. This kit is designed to perfectly accommodate ANY schedule so you see results—no excuses!

Whether you’re typically running out the door without breakfast or you struggle to remember to take your supplements (we’ve all been there),  the pre-portioned shake and supplement packets make it easy to stick to the plan and cut down on the time it’ll take to begin seeing results!

Every 14-Day Detox Kit contains…

  • Enough single-serving meal replacement shake packets so you can take the guesswork out of breakfast AND lunch each day of the Detox
  • Capsule packets containing the essential liver- and gut-support supplements* you need (already portioned out and ready to go for each day)

Why these supplements?

The supplements included in the 14-Day Detox Kit are my own formulas, designed to SAFELY speed up the detoxification process.

The Liver Detox and Digestive Support capsules ensure that your body has what it needs to safely and COMPLETELY eliminate toxins, while still ensuring you’re getting the nutrients you need.

For the woman who feels like she has nothing left to give and is just so tired of pouring from an empty cup: Save yourself time and get everything you need to begin seeing FAST results by getting the kit today! 

*(All supplements are gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, vegetarian and non-gmo.)



Why the 14-Day Hormone Detox WORKS for
THOUSANDS of women just like you

#1 Hormone-Loving Foods
Boost optimal hormonal function with the right foods. This detox tells you which foods to eat and avoid to optimize thyroid and adrenal function for perfectly balanced hormones. 

#2 Liver Detoxifying Foods and Supplements 
Everyday household products, environmental toxins, skin, hair and makeup products chemically assault our bodies daily. Detox endocrine-disrupting chemicals and excess estrogen with the right foods and supplements. 

#3 Self-Care Rituals with Essential Oils
The missing link: destress and rebuild your reserves so you can run on pure energy instead of caffeine and adrenaline. This is how you get your brain and energy back.



Half of our hormone damage we do to ourselves with the wrong foods. Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers on fruits and veggies, plus hormones in meat, shut our hormones down with every bite we take. When we eat the right foods, we can get the right results.

"No more hot-flashes, stubborn weight, accidental auto-immune flare-ups, brain fog, insomnia, extreme fatigue. No more self-sabotage with food. No more guesswork with every meal."


Household chemicals, environmental toxins, skin, hair and makeup products sabotage our hormones with chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system. Safely eliminate toxins with the right foods and comprehensive supplements. 

"While detox foods are great, deep detoxification comes from supplements that help the liver and gut eliminate toxins safely and gently."


Most detoxes only include foods and supplements, focusing only on food. But this isn’t enough to activate the most critical part of hormonal balance: the stress response system.

"Digestion, detoxification, 40+ pregnancy,  symptom-free menopause, and lowered inflammation all require an optimal an optimal parasympathetic response system."

Say Hello To Energy. Lose Weight.

Join The 14-Day Detox Today

Don’t wait to join. Supplies are limited and you’ll need time to get the Silver or Gold Detox Kit delivered to your home in time for the group start date!

How the 14-Day Hormone Detox works for women just like you...

“I came to Dr. Mariza feeling burned outtired and overweight.  I was overwhelmed! On the detox, I lost 9 lbs, and finally fixed my horrible insomnia that my sleep specialist could not fix. I loved it so much I did the program for 14 more days and lost 6 more pounds. Dr. Snyder’s protocol changed my life!”  


San Rafael, CA

I have done the detox twice I am very impressed by the results so far. Initially, I was very skeptical because I have tried so many things to control my hot flashes, lose the extra weight and get better sleep. I’ve struggled with sleep issues for years and knew it was related to hormones. Dr. Mariza gave me everything I needed to feel confident using her meal plan and rituals. The protocols were easy to follow and she always got back to me with any questions. This  program will change your life like it changed mine.” 


Amarillo, TX

"For over eight years I suffered from hormone issues but didn’t understand what was going on with me.  I just didn’t feel right, but I guess I accepted it. Just when I was about to give up, I discovered Dr. Mariza. I decided to do her detox.  I am still a bit shocked that it only took me 14 days to change my eating habits and I started exercising again. I lost 11.5 lbs and I finally chose to focus on my self-care needs, something I had never done before." 


Ogdensburg, NY

“But I’m already doing something else for my health...”

First of all, high fives! That means you are already motivated to take great care of yourself. 

It also means you are the exact type of woman who will love a gentle, easy detox like this one...

And you’ll especially love it when everyone around you can’t help noticing how great you look, too!

Here’s where I’ll tell it like it is: No matter what else you may be doing, you need to give your body a much-needed break for 2 weeks with a detox that includes lots of fresh veggies and maximum nutrients.

And start reintroducing minerals that have been stripped from your food (yes, even organic food) and have left you with nutritional deficiencies.

Here’s how you can tell if you need to do a 14-Day Detox. If you are still having: 

  • Hot Flashes
  • Brain Fog
  • Sugar Cravings
  • Caffeine Addiction (Loving coffee is one thing, but if you can’t get through the day without a 2nd or 3rd, we’ve got to talk.)
  • Constant Need To Snack
  • Staying Up Late (Even though you were exhausted all day)
  • Avoiding Sex
  • Bloating
  • Weight Around The Belly That Won’t Budge (This is NOT just vanity)
  • Less Than One Bowel Movement A Day

And if you DON’T want to just shut up and just use Band-Aides or do diet after diet…

Then you owe it to yourself to try the 14-Day Detox. Period.

It’s time to focus on what matters: YOU.

No one else is going to do it for you. You’re in charge and you’re in control, maybe much more than you might think—even if you feel out of control in this moment.

It’s time for a natural plan that focuses on real food, the ancient wisdom of Essential Oils, the POWER of herbs, top-tier Supplements, and Self-Care rituals.

It’s time to give your body what it’s screaming for: a gentle break after so many years of going HARD.

And there’s no time to waste.

The last thing I want is to have you come to me in a few months or years and say, “Mariza, I wish I’d done this sooner. If only I did this earlier…”

This 14-Day Detox is by far the easiest,
and the most cost-effective way to get you there!

Will the 14-Day Hormone Detox Work for YOU? 

YES, especially if...

  • Caffeine isn’t working the way it used to -- you’re still tired and dragging through the day.  First it was two cups, then three. But now there’s no amount of caffeine that gets your brain going.
  • You're still exhausted, even after 8 hours of sleep.  If someone let you, you could spend the entire day in bed. Guiltily, sometimes you have. What’s worse? You still don’t feel better. 
  • You have constant cravings and eat sugary snacks and chips to fight off fatigue. You’re constantly looking for the next hit, the next boost -- chocolate, chips, candy. And this is messing with your ability to stay on track with diets. Your life is a constant battle between being “on a diet” and “giving up and eating anything” (because...what’s the point of trying?)
  • You are trying, but failing, to keep up with your life. Critical tasks and relationship milestones fall through the cracks because you’re just too overwhelmed, and your memory can’t hold anything anymore.
  • Sleep is hit or miss, when you get it You’re up at 3am and can’t fall back asleep until minutes before your alarm clock goes off. Then your whole day is off -- memory, mood, work, energy, everything.

I’m so confident that in 14 days you’ll experience at least one of these...

  • Boost metabolism...
  • Increase energy and focus...
  • Improve deep, restful sleep...

...that if you don’t, I will personally give your money back, 100%.

*In order to qualify for the money-back guarantee, participants must complete the full 14-day detox.

*Cost and shipping of supplements and essential oils is non-refundable.

Say Hello To Energy. Lose Weight.

Join The 14-Day Detox Today

When you commit to re-balancing your hormones, I'm going to reward you with these additional bonuses worth over $250

Lifetime Access to the Hormone Solutions Masterclass Series
My popular 3-part video series that combats fatigue, stress, and cravings with rituals and blends can become yours when you sign up immediately.

Hormone Detox Guides

  • Top 11 Supplements for Hormonal Balance
  • Brain-Fog-Be-Gone Essential Oils
  • 5 Ways to Banish Sugar Cravings
  • Balance Hormones in Your Purse

Self-Care Rituals Video Series with EO Recipes and Blends

  • Crave Buster Essential Oil Water Infusion
  • Restful Sleep Essential Oil Spray Recipe
  • Emotional Unwind Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
  • Get it Done Essential Oil Blend

The Essential Oils Hormone Solution Book
Yours Free with SILVER and GOLD Packages Only
Know exactly what you need from the grocery store, and what you absolutely can and cannot eat.  The detox is designed to be very flexible depending on your individual tastes and needs.  As the goal of the detox is eliminating certain foods, and eating lots of nutrient-dense ones, you can easily substitute certain items to your liking, as long as they're not on the "No" list.

Choose Your Detox Package...



Digital Detox Access*

  • Quick Start Detox Manual
  • Detox Approved Foods List
  • Daily Guided 5-Min Self Care Journal
  • Self Care Tips & Recipes
  • Daily Support Videos*
  • Private Facebook Group Community*

$197 $87



Everything in the BRONZE package PLUS...

Printed-For-You Guides

  • Quick-Start Detox Manual
  • 5-Minute Self-Care Journal
  • Detox Approved Foods List

FREE Copy of Dr. Mariza's Book 

  • The Essential Oils Hormone Solution  

$257 $127




Everything in the SILVER package PLUS...

Hormone & Liver Detox Support 14-Day Supplement Pack

  • Pea Protein Functional Detox Meal Powders
  • Liver Detox Supplement
  • Digestive Support Supplement
  • BONUS: Shaker Bottle

3 payments of $107.33
(Best Savings)

$462 $297


Next Detox Group starts January 12th.

Last Chance To Join Is January 4, 2021.

Important: 14-Day Detox SILVER and GOLD Quantities Are Limited.

*Membership site access and private online Facebook community valid for 60 days from date of purchase.

** The Gold Package supplements are only available to ship to the US, but you can still get the Silver Package (Digital + Printed Detox Manuals) shipped internationally.

Enter your text here...









Digital Resources


Quick Start Detox Manual

Detox Approved Foods List

Daily Guided 5-Min Self-Care Journal

Self Care Tips & Recipe Guide

Daily Support Videos *

Private Facebook Group Detox Community *

Ready-Printed Guides


Quick Start Detox Manual


Daily Guided 5-Min Self-Care Journal


Detox Approved Foods List


Bonus: FREE Copy of Dr. Mariza's Book


The Essential Oils Hormone Solution


14-Day Hormone & Liver Detox Supplement Pack


Pea Protein Functional Detox Meal Powders



Liver Detox Supplement



Digestive Support Supplement



BONUS: Shaker Bottle for Protein Smoothies




$197 $87


$257 $127


$462 $297

* $155 Savings *



Frequently Asked Questions

I already have the Essential Oils Hormone Solution.  How is the detox different?

What foods are allowed on the Detox?

Can I do the Detox if I have a pre-existing condition such as ______ ?

How long will it take to see results? 

How much time does the food prep take?

Should I get the gold package with the supplements?

What if I try it and I don’t see results?

I am on a fixed/limited income.  Do you offer a payment plan?

Can I participate if I’m in menopause or if I’ve had a hysterectomy?

What symptoms might I experience on the detox?

Can I do this program if I am vegetarian or vegan?

Can I go longer than 2 weeks?

What if I have food allergies or I don’t like a food included in the Detox?

Does this work for men too?

How long will I have access to the Detox materials? 

 How can I best use my essential oils during the Detox?

Need Help?  Email

Refund policy: We offer a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee on your enrollment fees for the detox only (up to $127), so long as you can demonstrate that you have used these products and services as instructed (for the entire 14 days of the program) and are dissatisfied. Refunds are not available for supplements purchased as part of the Gold package. Read full refund policy here.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

+ Your results may vary depending on a number of factors including your diet, lifestyle, and if you follow the detox completely. We promise to provide you with the best resources to get you where you want to go!

(c) Dr. Mariza Snyder 2020